“Will we use The Internet as a highway of hysteria and hate? Or will we use it as an entwining olive branch that unites our Global Tribe for the first time in 70,000 years?”

From The You Code, by James Sheridan.

At Genetypes.com, our mission is to change the world by uniting its people in a unique way: by each individual understanding that they aren’t alone in how they feel and act, and that the global population is deeply connected with each other in ways that are explained for the first time in history in The You Code – Your New Life Map Hidden in Your Ancient Genes.  

After reading that book, as well as many other things, you will know your “genetic disposition framework,” or “Genetype.” In short, you will know your true, biological self, your nature, your personal truth. When you register your details and Genetype at Genetypes.com, you will be able to connect with people who share your Genetype, and other Genetypes, all over the world, for automatic and effortless friendships and romantic relations that are inherently right for you. Race, culture, and nationality suddenly become meaningless as you connect with your own “tribe” that is scattered across our planet.

Please take the time to learn more and leverage the power of love and kindness in a revolutionary way that delivers instant and tailored results.

Genetypes and their Totems