I want to start/grow/improve my business…


Great. Done correctly, your own business is an expression of your true self and your purpose in life, making it a labor of love that improves or even protects our world. Also, of course, it is the path to financial independence and a means to raise investment capital to invest in real estate and financial markets.

First, starting a business…

Passion is what’s important, and passion stems from something deep inside you; often an inexplicable calling linked to your God-given purpose in life. Passion is what will cut through all the obstacles on the road to your dreams, and starting a business is a dream pursuit, or don’t do it. So, before you spend a dime on your dream, some honest soul-searching is required; finding out more about yourself and what’s burning inside you and waiting to be expressed in the form of your business. My new book, The You Code – Your New Life Map Hidden in Your Ancient Genes will certainly help you there, and my Free Tools. Next, growing/improving a business…

Congratulations on getting to where you are now, I know you had to overcome some obstacles to get there, and even those closest to you aren’t always the best counsel for the ride, so I’d like to help you. There are, of course, many things we could speak about here to grow or improve your business, but I will boil it down to just two: sales and systemization.

First, sales. There are a million things you could worry about, but they’re all irrelevant without sales. You may be comfortably ticking along, but you could also be missing out on some simple strategies that will dramatically and exponentially boost your sales. As an award-winning copywriter, I can tell you first hand that the smallest things can make the biggest differences; a single marketing package I created for one client more than doubled the size of their company! Think about it, you’re paying for all the overhead, anyway- the rent, the wages, etc. – so any increase in sales is all pure profit in most cases. Some fresh perspective outside of your typical social sphere, as well as some new and powerful marketing skills, can give your business that profit boost.

Next, systemization. Passion aside, be sure you aren’t working harder and earning less than if you were working for someone! If your business can’t run without you, you don’t own a business, you own a job. Systemization sets you free and puts a price tag on your business by turning it into an asset that someone else could easily run without you, be it a buyer or a family member or a trusted manager. Better still, a systemized business is a franchisable business, much like that of a Nasdaq-listed corporation I consulted for that started from zero.

If you’re a large corporation or if you require one-on-one consulting, click here. If your corporation would like to hire me as a speaker on a variety of subjects including sales, something specific, or as MC, click here.